
Sotiris Sotiriou

BSc Computer Science
I am just a normal guy from Cyprus who loves coding.


Work experience >

Full-Stack Developer Internship at Factory39

Web Development, WordPress

Personal Projects >

PC Junkies webpage

Military personnel and services management application

Personal portfolio website

Degree >

BSc Computer Science, Third Year Student

The University of Sheffield


Work Experience

Full-Stack Developer Internship at Factory39

  • Three month internship at Factory39 over the summer of 2022.
  • Worked on both client projects and internal projects.
  • Mostly using Ruby on Rails, and Content Management Systems like Spina.
  • Was introduced to technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Made feature additions and styling changes to websites.
  • Created Ruby on Rails gems for sending emails and making payments.
  • Created some web pages from scratch to be added to the company's website.
  • Created an email signature for the company.

Web Development, WordPress


Personal Projects

  • PC Junkies webpage
    A webpage developed for advertisement purposes of a small team that builds computers.

  • Military personnel and services management application
    I was inspired to develop this application while I was serving at the military myself. The purpose of this application is for a user from the Army Base to register to the app all the personnel and the services that the personnel serves. Then the application will be able to generate a plan for the next week of the days out of each personnel and what service each personnel will serve during the week.



Dissertation Project

Subject of research

  • Automated Assistance for Repairing Visual Bugs in Responsive Web Pages
  • Developed an extension for a VS Code that analyses a webpage’s layout to find failures and suggests possible solutions, using JavaScript, the VS Code and Selenium APIs.

Third year


  • Text Processing
  • Speech Processing
  • 3D Computer Graphics
  • Finance and Law for Engineers
  • The Intelligent Web
  • The Internet of Things
  • Adaptive Intelligence
  • Software Testing and Analysis

Key Assignments

  • Document Retrieval: Python program which, given a huge collection of documents and a number of queries, retrieves the ten most relevant documents from the collection for each query.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Python program which runs a training method to create a model to be able to then identify the sentiment of a short text comment.
  • Speech Processing assignment: Python program which applies speech processing techniques and methods to develop and apply filters to modify recordings of speech to acheive certain effects.
  • 3D Computer Graphics assignment: Java and OpenGL program which creates a 3D environment that contains a rotating sky, a room with an animated alien egg and two moving anglepoise lambs.
  • Bird Sightings assignment: Node.js, Express and MongoDB web application developed for bird lovers to visit, register any bird sightings they had and also view sightings of others.
  • Chess Playing agent: Python deep reinforcement learning agent trained to play a mini version of chess using a DNN and the SARSA and Q-Learning algorithms.
  • Connect4 IoT device: C/C++ and using an IoT device called UnPhone which contains an ESP32S3 micro-controller. A UI and the functionality for a Connect4 game was developed with single device and multi device game modes.

Second year, Mark: 75%


  • Data Driven Computing
  • Systems Desing and Security
  • Functional Programming
  • Automata, Computation and Complexity
  • Logic in Computer Science
  • Robotics
  • Software Hut

Key Assignments

  • Chess Pieces Identifier: Python program which trains it self using given examples of chess pieces images and after training is able to identify individual chess pieces, with very high scores of correctness.
  • Property Short Rental System: Java, Java Swing application where hosts can register their properties for the guests to rent them.
  • Solitaire Autoplay Program: Haskell program which initialises a random initial solitaire board and tries to solve it by making appropriate moves.
  • Robotics Assignment: Various tasks are implemented, using Python and ROS, for a robot to complete in both a simulation environment and a real arena.
  • Complain Report System: Ruby on Rails website. Developed both admin and user systems for the users to submit complain reports for the admin to review.

First year, Mark: 79%


  • Introduction to Software Engineering
  • Foundations of Computer Science
  • Java Programming
  • Machines and Intelligence
  • Devices and Networks
  • Web and Internet Technology
  • Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures

Key Assignments

  • Personal Portfolio: HTML/CSS/Javascript website as personal portfolio.
  • Mentee/Mentor Matching system: Ruby web application for university students to sign up as mentee or mentor and match based on preferences, the matching is done for mentors to help the mentees in their daily university life.
  • A Portuguese Wine browser: A java application to interact and search wines from a list.
  • The Rambler’s Problem: Finding the best path from any point, for a human to walk on a mountain using AI search algorithms.

More details about my degree: University of Sheffield, BSc Computer Science

About Me

My name is Sotiris Sotiriou.
I was born in Limassol, Cyprus.
My native language is Greek.
In my free time I play the guitar, I really like cooking for friends and I watch lots of football.
Also, I served in the Cypriot army after finishing school.

The first interaction I had with computing was at the age of 12 at my first ECDL class. I fell in love with computing and started to explore its possibilities futhermore.
Since then I learned to program in many different programming languages and I have been developing my skills in the field of computing.
Other skills and knowledge I got are Version control systems, Content managment systems, UML, problem solving, I speak fluent English, I am an organised person and very good at time management.

Contact Me

Don't hesitate to send a message

✉  s.sotiriou62@gmail.com